Technical Support

If you have any trouble using our services or the university’s devices or any of IT related services, our staff are here to help.

Our Services

  1. Setup and maintenance support for all computers and their peripherals in the offices.
  2. Setup computers and Internet connections by requests.
  3. First tier service for WiFi connectivity issues.
  4. Internet connection setup and configuration consultant.
  5. Software setup and configuration consult for the following:
    • Windows OS
    • Microsoft Office
    • Microsoft Teams
    • SAS

Our Limitations

  1. Please be noted that setting up and configuring your own devices are not our major responsibility but we are willing to help.
  2. We do not support formatting or re-install your devices without your confirmation and consent to accept any damage on your data and devices.
  3. We cannot be responsible for your data loss, please backup your data first.
  4. We do not install any cracked or illegal software.

Our  office

Haumak Campus: E building 1st floor, just straight from the elevator.

Telephone Extension: 3333

Suvarnabhumi Campus: SCIT building 3rd floor, the last room at the left side from the elevator.

Telephone Extension: 2833, 2834